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Prison Build Logs for v3.2.4 - 2021-03-01

Build logs

Greetings! I’m delighted that you are interested in the build logs for the Prison plugin. I’m wanting to provide a more formal documentation as to what is going on in each build so you have a better idea if it may be something that you need.

V3.2.4 2021-03-01

Release of next bug update.

NOTE: Custom currencies with spaces in their name may not work with ranks. Use spaces at your own risk.

When running a reset for all mines, it also automatically enables the noCommands option on all resets. If a mine is setup with a mine command to reset another mine, then this could cause an endless loop. Therefore no mine commands are ran when all are rest.

/mines reset help
/mines reset *all*
/mines reset *all* details
/mines reset *cancel*

V3.2.3 2020-12-25

Merry Christmas!! Release of next bug update.

V3.2.2 Release - 2020-11-21