
Prison Documentation

Documented updated: 2024-05-20

Build logs

Prison Supports Spigot 1.8 through Spigot 1.20.6 and +

Prison Supports Java 1.8 though Java 21+

Prison is created for the Spigot Platform, and works on other platforms based upon Spigot, tested with Paper 1.20.6 too.

Prison supports Spigot 1.20.x, along with Java 1.8 through Java 21.

Prison is using a library to support the correct blocks for the version of the server that you are running, so we are limited to when updates are released for that library. Generally though, they are quick to get updates posted.

Newer features and updates in Prison:

NOTE: This list has not been updated in a while…

Features planned for the near future

These new features are in the planning stages…

New! Prison Fast Start

See the Auto Configure documentation for more information: Prison Auto Configure / Prison Quick Start!

Prison now has a new set of features that can help you get up and running faster than ever! With the latest version of Prison, you can even have a functional Prison server running with just two Prison commands. See below for more information.

It is strongly recommended that the ‘/ranks autoConfigure’ should always be ran first. Prison’s Auto Configure sets up so many features, that it can help resolve many initial issues. It’s worth trying the first time you run prison since it’s easy to undo: just delete the `plugins/Prison’ directory and the next time you restart your server Prison will startup as if it was just installed with no settings.

Before you try to setup Prison, you really need to install an Economy or the Ranks module will not be enabled. It is strongly suggested you install the following plugins: Vault, EssentialsX, EssentialsX-Chat, PlaceholderAPI, LuckPerms, WorldEdit (or Fast Async World Edit, FAWE, on newer versions of Spigot), WorldGuard.

/ranks autoConfigure. It can auto create your ranks and virtual mines, A through Z, it will link the mines to the ranks, setup the Mine Access By Rank and TP Access By Rank. It will also setup the Mine as a Virtual Mine will and assign blocks of increasing values to all mines. Each mine will also be assigned a random liner. The Ranks autoConfigure will also enable sellall and load over 90 default blocks for your shop. Auto features will be enabled (auto pickup, auto smelt, and auto blocking).

Some of the newer features that are enabled with /ranks autoConfigure are: Ladder Base Rank Cost Multiplier (ranks cost more every time you prestige), auto configure 10 prestige levels, and improved placement of the mine. Based upon where you are standing, you can now define both the location of the mine, and the size.

Once it generates all the virtual mines, all you need to do is to use the command /mines set area help on all mines to make them physical mines and then prison will be ready to use. Plus there are many new features to help provide the finishing touches in almost no time.

Auto configure can get you up and running with as little as two commands. The first command is: /ranks autoConfigure. Then the second command you run while you are in game, and it defines the mine for you in the world. It’s based upon where you are standing to make it “simple”: /mines set area A feet 10 6. This last command tells prison to place the mine at your feet and to expand the walls outward by 10 blocks in all directions, and push the bottom of the mine down by 6 blocks. The result will be a mine that is 21 x 21 x 7.

At this point you have a 1 mine functional prison server. Of course you will want to add more mines, but this is a quick overview of the basics on getting up and running.

To see the blocks at this point, just reset the mine:

Then to protect the world so players cannot break your builds, you need to setup a global WorldGuard region for that world:

For more information, check out the following commands.

Prison Auto Configure / Prison Quick Start Guide!

A Quick Word About the Prison Command Handler

Prison has an advanced command handler that manages all of the commands. Programmatically, the commands are not setup the same as a normal bukkit command, but instead, there are a lot of more powerful features available through the Prison Command Handler.

All commands will respond to the help keyword. It will show a list of all of the parameters for the command, any permissions tied to the command, and other details too. If a document is associated with the command, it can show a clickable link when used in-game (not many commands have been linked to their docs yet).

The Prison Command Handler also manages aliases, auto complete (tab complete), organizing commands in a hierarchy so you can explore what commands are available by starting with the root commands. For example, /prison is the core root command, and it will also show you a listing of all other root commands. So /prison is a great place to begin exploring the commands that are available.

For the latest alpha releases, there is an exciting new command: /prison support cmdStats. This new command will show you every prison command that was ran since the server was started, along with how many times the command was used, and the average milliseconds it took Prison to handle that command. Some commands, such as /mines reset are submitted and ran asynchronously and so their average run times will not be able to be reflected in that command. The cmdStats does not track “command” usage if it bypasses the Prison Command Handler, such as when a mine automatically resets since the internal calls bypass the Prison Command Handler.

This is useful to give you an idea what commands your players and mods may be using.

Table of Contents for this Document

Commands Shortcut help

Adding the help argument as the first parameter of any command will show additional help.



MINES COMMANDS: Guidebook TO-DO (Work-In-Progress)

MORE COMMANDS: Guidebook TO-DO (Work-In-Progress)

Guides: Setting Up the Server Basics

Guides: Configuring Prison

These guides cover the core fundamentals of Prison. They may reference other plugins, but these guides will not go in to depth on how to install or use the other plugins; those details will be a focused guide of their own.

Guides: Working with other Plugins

Guides: Configuring Other Plugins for Prison

This section of guides will focus more on other plugins and how they can integrate with Prison. They may use a few aspects of the prison API or command interface, but these guides will spend the majority of their time covering the other technologies that can help give Prison your own character.

Guides: FAQs

This section of guides will focus on FAQs; short helps for common problems.